Engineering The Future of Combustion

Specializing in custom engineered burners and combustion systems for high temperature, high efficiency, low NOx industrial applications using natural gas, hydrogen, biofuels and other gaseous and liquid fuels.

Engineering The Future of Combustion

Retrofit for: Increased Efficiency - Reduce Fuel Consumption & CO2

  • Decreased NOx Emissions
  • Fuel Flexibility
  • Enduring System Reliability
Green Shirt


Bloom Engineering improves the environmental sustainability of industrial heating applications, particularly focused on the aluminum and steel industries.

Bloom Engineering's knowledge and experience in furnace and heating applications provides a meaningful competitive advantage to our customers. We help our customers reduce CO2 and NOx, convert to sustainable fuel sources, increase production capacity, improve temperature uniformity, reduce fuel consumption, and enhance operating flexibility.

Headquartered in Pittsburgh, USA since 1934, Bloom serves its global customers from subsidiaries in Germany, India, and China.

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Your source for combustion engineering solutions and services, that keep you operating safely and efficiently.